Monday, June 11, 2012

In a jam

The strawberries were a bit early this year!  Once again, we have lovely weather on picking day. The berries were pretty small, so it took four of us to haul in 10 pounds more than we did last year. Doesn't matter though, all 55 pounds of berries are hulled and either bagged for the freezer, or turned into jam!

I still don't feel very confident with my jam making skills. It is easy enough to do, especially if you make sure to have the jars and lids ready BEFORE you start cooking. We were only able to make three batches of jam.  I used larger jars for our personal use, but I would like to do another batch (or two) in smaller jars. I love having jam on hand to use as gifts.

Can you can? What's your favorite food to preserve?

1 comment:

  1. I just saw plastic freezer jars at the store for canning and freezing. They're made by Ball. Isn't that crazy? But it has me intrigued.


Awwww, you cared enough to leave a comment! Thank you so much for making my day :-D