Thursday, November 18, 2010

Crazy Carrot Soup

We love Crazy Soup at our house.

It's real name is Crecy, but hey -why not mangle another language whenever possible?

Its souper (hehehe) easy and a great way to get a veggie in.  Turtle loves this soup!


C-Joy's Crazy Soup

2 TBSP olive oil
1 shallot (or small onion + a clove of garlic) chopped
6 carrots, sliced
1 TBSP sugar
1/4 cup rice
6 cups veggie broth
1 tsp herbs de provence (rosemary and/or thyme work just as well)
1 - 2 TBSP butter
Salt & Pepper

  1. Saute shallots (med high) in olive oil until soft.
  2. Add carrots.  Cover & cook 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  3. Add rice, broth & herbs.  Bring to boil, then partially cover & simmer 30 minutes.
  4. Use immersion blender to process until smooth, or transfer to blender & process in batches.
  5. Season w/salt & pepper to taste, serve with a dollop of butter.
I would estimate that this serves 4 main course servings.  We usually have just enough left for DH to take a serving to work for his lunch.  I usually serve this with a fresh bath of cornbread, but when I'm really on the ball I serve it with focaccia

Carrot and Tomato Soup with Pepper


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