Monday, November 29, 2010

Catch Me If You Can!

Like many things, building a gingerbread house is something I've always wanted to do, but never got around to.

Thanks to ready-to-assemble kits, Turtle & I made this one during Thanksgiving Break.

We only had one panel break -it is on the back side so we don't have to see the damage control.  The picture of the finished product on the box was really cute, but I let caution to the wind and had Turtle choose MOST of the candy placement.  But I  maintained control of the frosting. Some of the time.

This means that it is time to haul out my copy of

I wonder how long it will be before Turtle is standing next to the house, listening for a tiny voice........


  1. You mean Turtle didn't eat all the frosting?! How did that happen?

  2. You can get kits to make those things?! Well, blow me down - only in America!

    Nice artwork by Miss T! :D


Awwww, you cared enough to leave a comment! Thank you so much for making my day :-D