Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Christmas Party

Did I remember to take any pictures at the Reed Family Christmas Soiree?  No.  So you'll have to make do with these images.

The guests arrived, all nattily attired:
Actress Elizabeth Taylor at Hollywood Party After Winning Oscar, Which is on Table in Front of Her

The table was set with great care......
Table Setting and Christmas Tree

.....and laden with goodies such as Forloren Hare, Scalloped Tomatoes, FocacciaHob Nobs as well as a preview of ms. caboo's Homemade Limoncello.

We enjoyed many glasses of wine:
Rouge et Blanc

and even more witty repartee:
Fashion Designer Yves Saint Laurent Talking with Client Mrs. Stanley Donen at His Boutique

A most glorious party indeed!
Joe Menroe and Jessie Merman Standing under Mistletoe at Office Christmas Party

Joe Menroe Brandishing Pair of Pink Cotton Pants He Got from Office Santa Claus at Christmas Party

Be good and next year you'll be invited to the Reed Family Christmas Soiree.  Be bad and next year you'll be invited to the Reed Family Christmas Soiree and get kitchen duty.


  1. Thanks C-Joy! I had a wonderful time and can't wait to eat my leftovers for lunch today. Hope Turtle recovered, as well. I don't remember Liz Taylor being there, so I think I had too much wine!

  2. I want an invite next year - that is just the kind of swinging party that I love! :D (And I'll bring the hare. And a hair of the dog for the day after...)


Awwww, you cared enough to leave a comment! Thank you so much for making my day :-D